
Follow up on the latest improvements andΒ updates.


Our button component now supports up to three states! In addition to the default state, you can now set up two additional states. Each state can have its own style, text, icon, and actions that show based on the logic you provide.
Additionally, you can now also enable hover effects for buttons so that your desktop web users will see a color shift when hovering over a button.
We have improved the performance of the Lottie animation component on several fronts, both in end applications and builder. One important update here is that animations will not run by default inside the builder as this has a tendency to slow down builder performance on large apps.
You will need to run a build to see these improvements in your native apps.
Buttons really add some action to your app, but your design options have been a bit limited in the past. Now you can modify all your existing buttons with some new design features:
  • ↕️ resize buttons vertically
  • πŸ”’ change the font and icon size
  • πŸ†’ even create perfectly centered icon buttons!
We're not done with buttons either, so keep an πŸ‘ out!
Our trusty Edit Styles menu has been with us since the early days and we thought it was time Edit Styles got an edit to its own styles. The new version has all of the same functionality but is now more in line with the visual style of the rest of the platform.
Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 9
When apps have dozens of screens, the screen connectors can cause lots of visual clutter and can negatively affect builder performance. We have updated how this works so that only selected screens will show the connectors, which should improve performance and reduce visual distractions.
It is now easier than even to include videos in your app with the new Adalo Video Component. This component will make it much easier to embed your video files on both native and web apps. Check out this help doc to learn about working with videos in Adalo.
You can now set the rounding for each corner of your rectangles and images. Create tabbed interfaces, organic shapes, and style your custom card lists in new ways.


The Adalo Builder


⚑ Performance Improvement: Builder Pan & Zoom

We've significantly improved performance in the Adalo Builder! Enjoy faster panning and zooming on your app screens. These enhancements are especially noticeable when navigating apps with hundreds of screens.
Use the Up and Down arrows to reorder the sections that you add to your screens. You can also use the grab handle to move the section around as your please. (It's also a great way to grab a hold of sections when you're working on narrow mobile screens!)
Legacy apps were always showing the Adalo Icon in the URL bar (aka the favicon) on the published site, instead of showing the App Icon, but we've fixed that.
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