Anchor links
Josh Johnson
Josh Johnson
I want the same with Michael.
At image slider of Android App preview, when the modal is closed, I want that the same image is displayed.
Now, the first image is displayed at image slider, but the dot point the same image in that situation.
I need to be able to add anchors to components to avoid the below issue.
Currently I’m having an issue with the modal and Image Slider function. I scroll through some of the images in the image slider (lets say image 10 of 20).
Then, I click a button that triggers a modal. When I close the modal it goes back to the first image.
This causes a big problem because the user has to restart every time.
Michael Kadron
The ability to click on an action button to, say scroll back to the top of a page would be awesome!
Especially after scrolling through a super long list.