Warnaka Gunawardena
This was a complete surprise and shock. I might have thought twice if I knew about this before I started working on this. Also, this was raised 4 years ago and we are still talking about this.
Lucas Wagner
Does this include Android tablets too?
Or does it work there?
mcoral n
Absolutely a must to be able to create apps for Tablets!
Josh Johnson
Merged in a post:
Publish to iOS/tablet (native sizing)
To publish iPad/Tablet apps instead of the phone size on these devices.
Need the images to size correctly too.
Marc Pope
+1 I'd like to be able to build a separate app just for the iPad that takes advantage of the larger real estate. In addition, when publishing to app store, specify if app is designed for iPhone, iPad, (and now optional allow Mac M1 style processors to load app on desktop). You have to specify these options in the build, can't do it when publishing to app store.
Ibrahim Islam
Why do the apps publish so strangely on tablets if the app can adapt to different screen sizes?
Firehouse Creative
It's mind-boggling that this wasn't a 0.0.1 setting. How else do we design for iPad? Also, the ability to force landscape as well.
Marc Pope
Firehouse Creative: Force landscape is a must too!