Multiple Sorting for Lists
Is there anything new on the subject? Begging for help
Devin Rossey
Hindichurch App
Any update on this? Sorting a list randomly is something that is sorely needed, for multiple use cases! Should've default, in my opinion.
Isaac Spear
Any news on this? There are a couple verrrrrry “creative” work-arounds but they really don’t work well.
floris de schrijver
Isaac Spear: tell me which work arounds there are? 2 lists one visible and one not ?
Florian Gedeon
Random sorting would also be great!
Cann't wait for this function to sort data out of collection in the list. When It's gonna be done.
Josh Johnson
Merged in a post:
sort lists by a count
Geoff Thomas
Geoff Thomas
It would be great if I could sort lists by a count.
So for example, let's say I have an app that users post reviews.
I might want to build a feature that allows me to sort the users in order of who has the most reviews. Right now, I can only sort by date, alphabetically, and by true/false.
It would be even better if I could do calculations (custom formulas) on the sort count. So to be able to add together multiple things can perform weighted ranking on them.
For example, lets say that someone on the app can write reviews and answer questions. I might want to calculate how valuable they are to the service. Maybe answering a question is worth 2 points and writing a review is worth 5.
So sorting by score of custom formula (2
user questions + 5
user reviews)This would provide a ton of flexibility in how we deliver value to the users of our apps.
Aaron Smith
It'd be great to have this feature!
I’m doing an app that runs a contest for users where the app has to sum points earned for each user. So, for the Leaderboard, I have a custom list of users which shows the username. For each username it sums their points.
Since the points aren’t in the users table, I don’t have the ability to easily sort by that field. The points are coming from a picks collection.
Shantanu Srivastava
Sort list by random request from my side
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