Sort Collections
Tom BD
Yes please. My collections are becoming unwieldy!
Steve Toth
A small feature that would help a LOT during editing for sure!
Manny Mayo III
A simple drag and drop feature would be amazing
Janine Neuf
Much agreed! I still haven't figured out what they are sorted by. As long as there was any system that I can follow, I would be happy already.
Tyler Tilton
Simply Alphabetical sort by default, instead of sorting by... (I think Date Created?), would be SUPER. That would alleviate 99% of the trouble here - super easy to just prefix the collections to arrange them however it makes sense to group them and find what we need.
Carlton Black
I'd like to see folders for collections along with this! It would be nice to group my collections like.
Glib Skrypka
I think it even can be something more simple as alphabetical sort to begin with. This should be doable pretty quickly and we can already make sorting by naming (like grouping by one word or adding number at the beginning of collection name).
My collections are growing and I need to rearrange them so I can see them as group. It is not literal group, it is only in my head, when I see them near each other, I can easily treat them as group. With prefix perhaps, but I begin to use acronym for collection, cause context menu is not wide enough, and tooltip is too small.
It is too tiring, to scroll up and down in database collections.
In collection’s property, we can arrange them by dragging to suitable position for sequencing, may be, it is time to do the same for collections.